In addition to branded promotional products, we also offer multiple creative advertising venues.
With eight stations in the Florida Keys and South Dade market, Florida Keys Media is the best choice for radio advertising.
If you are contemplating using radio to deliver your advertising message, we’d like to help you make informed decisions.
Tell your story, and the story of your business, Humans of the Keys style.
We will tell the human side of your Business of the Keys, in story or interview format, with pictures. It’s a different approach to traditional advertising. With over 13,000 likes and an average of 40,000 post reach, Humans of the Keys on Facebook can certainly get your business noticed.
We will tell the human side of your Business of the Keys, in story or interview format, with pictures. It’s a different approach to traditional advertising. With over 13,000 likes and an average of 40,000 post reach, Humans of the Keys on Facebook can certainly get your business noticed.
Keys Life Magazine
Suzi's Promoplans provides advertising with Keys Life Magazine through Humans of the Keys stories. Making the decision to have your Humans of the Keys/Business of the Keys story also published in Keys Life Magazine will increase your exposure and is guaranteed to have the local community talking about your Business of the Keys.
With similar on-line stats, plus a beautiful monthly free print publication, whose distribution canvasses the homes in the Florida Keys, Keys Life Magazine is a locally owned publication focusing on the Keys lifestyle. In addition to being featured on the Humans of the Keys website and social media sites, you have your choice of a one, two, three or four page story in the magazine, plus the option of the cover. With community minded content, interesting stories and tasteful ads, Keys Life Magazine ads will put your brand in the hands of many potential customers and will have people talking about your business.
Keys Life Magazine is the ONLY publication that is mailed directly to EVERY Home, PO Box and Business from Ocean Reef to Long Key, totaling over 17,000 magazines. There are also 16 magazine racks and distribution points between Gilberts and Lower Matecumbe where an additional 3,500 magazines are picked up every month by tourists and visitors, putting Keys Life Magazine in the hands of over 20,500 potential customers.
Contact Suzi's Promoplans for pricing and more information.
We'll be adding more partners and creative solutions, so check back often.